Message kali za mapenzi kwa umpendae...

Kuna miezi 12 katika mwaka…siku 30 katika mwezi…siku 7 katika wiki, masaa 24 katika siku…dakika 60 katika saa……lakini wewe ni mmoja tu maishani mwangu.
I asked God for a rose and He gave me a garden. I asked God for a drop of water and He gave me an ocean. I asked God for an angel and He gave me you!
Kuna vitu viwili zinavyoniamsha asubuhi na mapema: Alamu ya saa yangu na wewe
I will walk with you side by side for only one condition: hide your wings every time we walk together because the whole world might know that you're my angel!

Bongo zenye fikra kali huwa na mawazo, suluhu na sababu; ubongo wa kisayansi huwa na kanuni, nadharia na takwimu; wangu una wewe tu!
Do you take me to be your lawfully wedded text mate, in sickness or in health, through metering or not, till low bat do us part?
Penzi linaweza kuelezewa kwa namna nyingi. Namna moja niijuayo nikumtumia mapenzi hayo mtu asomaye meseji hii.
Each of us is an angel with one wing. The only way we could fly is to hold each other and share wings. So if you have trouble flying, I will always share mine with you.

Kama ningeweza kubadili herufi, ningeweka yangu na yako kuwa pamoja.
Minsan caring is better than loving. Minsan tea is better than coffee. Minsan smile is better than laughter. Pero nobody is better than you.
Umewekwa usiku ili tuweze tuukubali mchana, huzuni ili tuikubali furaha, ubaya ili tuukubali uzuri, wewe ili niyakunali mapenzi.
I don't want to say I miss you, though deep inside I do, coz I'm afraid you might see thru and know how much fear I have of losing someone like you.
Unaonekana kung’ara leo nilijuaje…….ni kwasababu unaonekana hivyo kila siku
You greeted me hi, I didn't reply. You gave me a sweet smile, I responded with a sigh. You showed me your love, you received a shrug. But when you bid goodbye I began to cry.
I have heard from the phone company, the water company, the electric company, but haven't heard from you. Too bad, it's your company I love the most.
Mapenzi ni nini? Wale wasiopenda huita majukumu, wale wanaoyachezea huita mchezo, wale wasiokuwa nayo huita ndoto, na wale wanaoelewa huyaita mwisho wa safari, na mimi, mwisho wangu ni wewe.
I've been wondering why you're not texting... Multiple choices: a. busy b. dilemma c. tired d. thrifty e. want me to miss you.
Love is something special, a treasure I want to find... To others, love is blind but for me, its not true, coz when I fell in love...I saw you.
Ni mapenzi gani yanayofanya simu yako ilie kila nitumapo meseji?
True love is hard to find, special one, one of a kind. I know because it appeared to me on a strange day I met you.
Kama mapenzi huweza kukimbiwa kwa kufumba macho yetu tu, basi nisingefunika macho kabisa. Sitaki sekunde ipite bila kukupenda wewe.
While you gave her flowers, you gave me thorns. While all she did was smile, all I did is mourn. While she was so happy, I felt so blue. Because while you loved her, I was loving you.
Nilikuwa nikifiria kwamba ndoto haziwezi kuwa kweli, lakini nilibadili mawazo yangu pale tu nilipokuona wewe.
Baadhi ya watu huzaliwa na vipaji. Huweza kufanya mambo mazuri kwa ujuzi wao, lakini hamna anayekufikia wewe, kwani ukinisogelea tu kila kitu huwa kizuri.
Message kali za mapenzi kwa umpendae... Message kali za mapenzi kwa umpendae... Reviewed by Unknown on 04:03:00 Rating: 5

Hakuna maoni:

klin zepp. Inaendeshwa na Blogger.